Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Better late than never......

I added a short description, below, of each picture for y'all.

Ghoulie Gourds

When 12 o’clock draws near
A pair of Ghoulie Gourds appear !
A rowdy, randy twosome,
Kinda shocking and oh so gruesome!
No, this ain’t no time for saints,
But plenty “o” time for haints !

by Flora Thompson

Our dear leader Dani,of SpookyTimeJingles has graciously allowed my late entry for this month!!YAY!!!! So here are two of my "Ghouls" and some befores below
Clean gourd

terracotta airdry clay added

defining features

"Greenie" painted with acrylics

painting "Bruiser"

close-up of eye

I drilled holes on top of head and inserted hooks, then epoxied them.

Run don't walk, don't even hesitate
or you might be too late,(Like some of us)
To catch any goodies
at the SpookyTimeJingles update!!



Cheryl Prater said...

What a super idea. I love them and their hats.

Flora said...

Hey Cheryl!!! Thanks a bunch !!!

Unknown said...

OMG that is so cool...what did you cover them with? You are so creative...wow.

Sonia ;)

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Oh these are GREAT!!! I'll have to check them on STJ!!!

Anonymous said...

So you used warty gourds? What a brilliant idea!

Flora said...

Sonia, I used airdry clay to partially cover them.
Marie, I just posted them, thanks to Dani!!
Pattee, Yes I did,if you look on my slide to the left of my blog, you can see the others that I have done. I also do snowmen with the smooth ornament gourds too.
Thanks y'all for the lovely comments!

Cris said...

I LOVE what you did to those gourds! They are so cool! Their collars remind me of marigold flowers!

Ann said...

As always..I am utterly amazed at the FABULOUS art you do!!!!!
Love the music also.

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch Ann,the music can get a bit jarring, sometimes even I
turn it down but it's a part of Bone*Head*Studios!!!

PEA said...

AWESOME! You just come up with the most unique items. Love it. The green one kinda scares me and makes me laugh.
Have a great week friend.

yoborobo said...

They are so cute, Flora! I love them in their hats - they crack me up! :)

Anne Onni Mouse said...

Brilliant!! And thanks for the tutorial. A bowl full of goulie gourds will look great this Halloween.

Flora said...

Pea,now I thought that Bruiser, the purple, one was more scarey!!!
Yoborobo,you're too kind!!I aim to please!!!
Morgan, that's a great idea!!!please post lots of pictures!!
Thanks y'all for stopping in and taking the time to leave me some comments!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the hats! Are they paper? Looks like your boys are off to The Monsters' Halloween Bash. Great, now I have Monster Mash stuck in my head...

Tracy M. said...

Oh those guys are TOO cute Flora! I am trying to get in a late update too. Have a great day,
Tracy M.

BoneyLittleFingers said...

Flora, these are really ghoulish but in a happy Springy kind of way.
I always love your WIP pictures. You are so generous to share your process.

Flora said...

Sugar now you got that song stuck in my head!!heheh!!!
Tracy, I guess everyone is in the same boat!!
Karen!!glad you could make it over too!!
Many Thanks for the kind comments on my ghouls!!

magikalseasons said...

Love these! They are fantastic!

Flora said...

Magikalseasons,Thank you so much and please come again soon!!

Flora said...

Cris thanks for the comments!!! I keep missing some post and I apologize for that!!