Sunday, June 24, 2012


having to deal with the flu is the pits.... Feeling better now....More later SEE YA !!! Blessings,Flora


Anthropomorphica said...

Chin up and get well soon dear Flora! xxx

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Flu can leave us drained out sometimes. I hope that you are feeling good.

Flora said...

Thank both of you so much for taking the time to visit with me !!!! Yes I'm feeling better but still drained
I appreciate your kind words and visit!!!

Halloween Fanatic said...

You did not tell me you had the flu. Why did you not tell me to shut up and let you rest?? Feel better sweetie! Robert :)

Flora said...

Robert, It's ok I'm a big girl ( a really big girl!!! HA!!) No worries,
Thanks for being so sweet!!!

Flora said...

Hello Lisa!!! Been sooooo long, BTW your new past time toys are fantastical!!! Thanks bunches sweetie for the visit and comment!!!