Thursday, June 4, 2009

They're baaaack......

Ok, it's just one Wumble, a little witch and her cat....

only I'm not sure if they'll be ready for the STJ update,
but I'm trying!!!more later....


yoborobo said...

This is so adorable! I love his (her?) expression. :)

vivian said...

I see wonderful cuteness in the works!!! have a great weekend Flora.

Flora said...

Good morning and thanks a bunch ladies!!!

Anonymous said...

How lovely! I love the shape and the face!

Flora said...

Welcome and than you Vickie!!!
please come again!!

Cheryl Prater said...

You can definitely make it in time for the STJ deadline! Work your magic, Flora.

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

I see some trouble a brewin! ;-)

Unknown said...


I love it...Your imps are so awesome.....Hugs ....

Sonia ;)

Flora said...

I'm on auto pilot, not much sleep,or brain activity right now,
so we'll see if I get it done.
Thanks so much for the kind comments ladies!!

Chicken Lips said...

Love the interaction between the two!

Georgina said...

Look at it this way, one Wumble down and how many to go? Always try to look on the bright side...keeps the darkness at bay!!

Love ya girl!


Anonymous said...

I love your Wumbles and I need one more to create the threesome!!!

Flora said...

That's the look I was going for David!!
Georgina, where ya been girlfriend?
I missed ya!!
Thanks for the visits and comments !!!

Flora said...

Hey Pattee!!!
You are so funny and thank you for the sweet comment!!!!!

Zan Asha said...

Oooh, cute! I know you will make deadline! Fingers crossed for you!

Flora said...

I certainly hope so!!
Thanks Zan!!

lisanelsonart said...

This is so precious! Reminds me of my 3 year old grandson (other than the pointy head, of course). Hope you're done in time for the update! Have a wonderful day!

Flora said...

ahahahha!!!I will try!! Thanks again Lisa!!

snippetgirl said...

OMG, you are really after my heart with the little cat and the "Wumble" name!!! SOOOOO spooky cute!
Can't wait to see them finished!!! Your painting details are always the best.

Flora said...

Awww Carrie, I feel the same about your art!!! I especially LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your shrine art figures!!!

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said... truly amaze me...not only by your art/creations, but by you as a ALWAYS find the time to answer or leave a comment to each and everyone of us that stop by to e-chat/e-comment with are a very kind hearted person...thanks for sharing your art with us...many blessings, grace, peace & joy 2 "U" Marlene :O)

Flora said...

What a kind comment you have given me!!!!Thanks so much for the sweet words,they are truly appreciated!!

DellaRae said...

I love your blog. I am presenting the "One Lovely Blog" award to you. Please visit my blog to get your badge and read the rules for accepting this award.

Flora said...

You are so sweet DellaRae!!! Many thanks!!!