Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cover Girl....

A while back I told y'all that I had sent a doll to Cloth Paper Scissors and they said they were interested in her? Well looky looky ....

Isn't it WONDERFUL???!!!
I was speechless..but only for a nano second, then I emailed some of my friends and family. My run of bad luck is just a distant memory.....:)

I had to show you what a sweet thing my dh did, he came home with this beautiful bouquet of flowers for me , to celebrate my doll being on the cover of the magazine!!!He also brought me some crullers along with other yummy sweets
that I really didn't need but LOVED ... notice the past tense?!!!!:)



By Way of Salem said...

Congrats Flora! That's so awesome!! It's about time! You're stuff is soooooo cute! Can't wait to get my next issue.
Now - pass me on that good luck will you? Gosh I could sure use some myself. Take care, Jeannine

Sycamore Moon Studios said...

That is sOOOOOOO amazing! Cheers!


Sarah Anderson said...

Oh well done!!! :) Look forward to my copy coming through the post (although we have postal strikes at the minute so that won't help). Your dolls look wonderful :)

magikalseasons said...

Wonderful & congrats! I'm going to have to pick up a copy! :)

KatHreN said...

congrats......looks awesome...great job!!!

Patty Benedict said...

That is GOOD news!!!!! And the cover is soo cute! Congrats Flora!!!!!
Bugs & hisses

Julie said...

Yippee!!! That is soooo awesome! Congratulations ~ your little creations are so precious and you totally deserve this!!! : )

Sue said...

Many congrats, the cover spot is well deserved. Can't wait to get my copy and see your doll in all its glory.

Flora said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback!!!!It is so very much appreciated!!!

vivian said...

of course they were interested! this is one of my favorites of all your dolls. Congratulations! You deserve a spot in many magazines!

Flora said...

Hey Vivian!!!!Thank you sweetie!!!

pinkglitterfae said...

oh my goodness, what a super duper, fantastic sparkly cover! Congratulations, this is quite the honor. I can't wait to pick up this issue, I can tell it will be a favorite of mine.

Flora said...

Thanks so much Betty!!!What a kind thing to say!!

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

YAY!!! A Big Congrats Flora! That's wonderful! Great cover shot! I can't wait to pick up the magazine! Your artwork is always amazing! You deserve it!

Lisa :)

Flora said...

Hey Lisa!!!,Thank you my dear,so is yours!!!!

Cindi Myers said...

I've been stopping in at Borders the last few days hoping that the winter issues of my favorite magazines were out, amd now seeing your beautiful work on the cover! That will be the first one I buy!

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch, Loved your dogs Halloween costume contest!!!

Scott Smith said...

How great for you Flora! Congrats!!
Can't wait to get my copy.

Unknown said...


What bad luck? Oh my...girl you are so talented and whimisical...

Now Im going to have to go get a copy...

xoxoxo Your an amazing artist

Flora said...

Thank you Scott and Sonia!!!!And thanks for the visit!!!

Tamara Dozier said...

Flora, I'm so happy for you! Congrats!

Flora said...

Tamara!!! Hey sweetie!!!
Thank you so much!!!

Textile and Stitch said...

Fantastic, not only published, but the cover!! Congratulations, that's so cool, and I love your doll and that magazine!! I sent a doll to Art Doll Quarterly last month and I'm anxiously waiting to see if she'll make it into the spring issue. Fingers crossed :)

Flora said...

Welcome and thank you Kaci!!!
Much Luck on your doll and ADQ

purplecat said...

well done!!! so well deserved :)

FairiesNest said...

How wonderful for you Flora! Congratulations, it's well deserved!

Heather said...

Whoa!!! Congrats!!!!

Wonderful photograph that they took too!!

Marie Patterson Studio said...

CONGRATS again! When we emailed I forgot to also say just how CUTE that snow girl is!!!!

Lisa said...

How Wonderful! Congratulations! And the sweet consideration of your husband, Yummmm!

Kelly Lish said...

Congratulations Flora! Wow! I would be over the moon! This is a beautiful cover-you should be very proud! I'm hoping to be in the Jan-Feb issue-I think no matter how small the article, I will be celebrating...but to be on the cover! OMG! Way to go!

Unknown said...

That was really awesome of your DH to bring you flowers and crullers to celebrate your "Cover Girl"! I love that he chose such bright and happy flowers for the occassion. :o)

heather noye said...

Just beautiful! I can't wait to pick up that issue.

Traci Paynter said...

Flora -
Congrats! How awesome!!! Make sure you purchase a few mags for keepsakes!!!! And I love how they did the display for your work on the cover!!!
AND THE FLOWERS - what a guy (he's a keeper!!!!)
Congrats again!

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch for all the kind encouraging comments!!!
Yes my dh is a keeper, anyway who else would put up with me?
thanks to everyone for stopping by!!!

Tracy M. said...

Oh Sweet, Flora!! He is just beautiful, congrats to you!
Take care,
Tracy M.

William Bezek said...

Very cute cover...that must make you feel very proud!!!

Flora said...

Thanks you Tracy and William!!!
I'm just very excited!!!

Mima said...

Hola Flora,
Congrats to hon, but the reality is your work is amazing and you making the cover doesn't surprise me. You have a gifted talent and I am happy the others can enjoy your creations. I personally think its wonderful. As for you hubby, he knows what a special person you are. May you continue to be insperational and may you always be successful.
hugs, Mima

Flora said...

Dear Mima, Thank you for always saying such lovely inspirational
comment, I'm always so delighted
to hear from you!!!

Anonymous said...

Flora that is so cool!!!
I'm going to B&N and pick up a copy... you are one of my favorite artists!

Sandra Caldwell said...

Oh how wonderful... Congrats Flora I am so proud of you... Cover looks great !!!!
Bravo sweetie..
Hugs Sandra

Flora said...

Thank you so much Sandra and Pattee!!!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

BIG congrats Flora!

I finally got you added to my blog roll too! '-)

Happy Halloween!

Chris (-:

Il Girasogno said...

is fantastic!! Flora Greetings!
but the ship in Italy? I like to have

Sarah P. said...

Hello Flora,

Thanks a lot for your interest!
I already knew your work and I love it! I'm all the more touched that you like mine!

SewPaperPaint said...

Absolutely WONDERFUL NEWS!!! So happy for you, Flora!!! You deserve this special recognition. I can't imagine a more beautiful cover for this winter issue! Love the flowers,
Autumn Clark

Jorge de Rojas said...

Thats just wonderful Flora! well deserved hope to see more of your creations in print.

AwtemNymf said...

Woohoo Flora! *claps* So well deserved!
Of course they'd be interested- your work is AWESOME!
Kudos to gracing the covers and awwwwww- flowers and sweets and it's not valentine's day! What a hubby! *winks*
Congrats. I can't wait to see this magazine come out! WOohoo!!!

Huckleberry Arts said...

So Very happy for you Flora !!! You so deserve to be in many more magaznes! And what a sweet hubby you have :) love the flowers !!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments too! i'm glad you did because I found your blog, your dolls are beautiful!!!!!!!!

Flora said...

Thanks again for taking the time to stop in and leaving all the wonderful comments!!!
Chris, I'll have to add yours too!!
Laura, sweetie I don't know what s/h is to Italy, but I'm sure the kind people there will be very helpful?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Flora! :)

Flora said...

Hey Caroline!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to our Barnes and Noble this week-end and they said they didn't know when they'd get the new magazine!!!! WHAT??? My friend doll is on the cover....
Sorry ~ Ok I'll check back this week : )

DellaRae said...

I got my magazine in the mail today and was thrilled to see you on the cover. You Rock!

PEA said...

Oh My Goodness, This is wonderful Flora.... Congratulations.
Wow you were un-lucky? What? I don't think so. If that is bad luck I want some of it. I need some kind of luck any will do~ LOL quick rub my head and maybe that will help? LOL
How very sweet of hubby. That is a keeper for sure. I bet your kids were so excited as well. DID you treat everyone to dinner out? I can't wait to get my copy. Will be drooling over your work as always.

Flora said...

Thanks again ladies!!! I've been waiting for mine too, Pattee!!!Rather impatiently , I might add!!!
Maybe I should have just run out and bought one,huh DellaRae?
Oh Pea!!!I wish luck was that easy to come by, I'd be rubbing belly head and anything else too....all day!!!

~Tonya said...

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you, Flora!! Well deserved is right! Your work is outstanding and the story behind your very heart-warming.

I am sure that Annette will think so too....unless she already knows ;)

I received my copy a couple of days ago and had to read about your cover snowgirl, right away.

Your hubby is just the sweetest. So glad he treated you special and knows how much it means to you.

Bad luck is just a distant memory for you and I hope it stays that way.

Have a great day, Flora.

lisanelsonart said...

What a sweet article and enchanting doll!! Well done and well deserved!! Lisa

Flora said...

Hello Tonya and Lisa!!!!Thanks a bunch for your kind words!!!

Mary S. Hunt said...

and a lovely doll she is too!
wonderful husband day

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch Mar!!!

Flora said...

Lisa, You are too kind!! Many Thanks!!! Just don't read the article...the editing sucks!!!

Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

~OH Flora !~
how very, very exciting !!!~
wish i could get you to autograph my mag.~


Flora said...

OH AMY!!!! How kind of you to say that!!! Thanks bunch!!!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...


Congrats on getting on the cover!! wooohooo..way to go. ;0) I happened to do a post several days ago about me getting my new issue of Cloth Paper Scissors and showed a few pictures within..

Someone commented and let me know about your doll being on the I had to come meet you and give you a (((hug)))...

Scatter Bliss...

Flora said...

Hello and Welcome Queen!!!I'm so glad you stopped by, thank you for the kind comments and please do stop by again!!!