Sunday, May 9, 2010

Curiouser and Curiouser...

Topsy-Turvy Alice

Alice is that you?

Not quite the Mad Hatter
with those ears and long tail.
So it doesn't much matter
that you aren't quite you.
But this look is so different
this look is so new,
that it begs one to question,
Alice, is that you?

by Flora Thompson

Vintage handmade silk outfit, lined top. airdry clay hat with sheer fabric ribbon

Papermache clay teapot, acrylic painted and metal brooch hangs from fabric ribbon.

Pocketwatch made from clay and metal findings, with printed cardstock face,
painted with copper enamel and sealed

Blue glass beads epoxied together

vintage laces, tulle and ribbon. flocked clay covered wood base.

Wool roving tail and mohair locks

Approx. 15" tall, a puresculpt head hands and legs of papermache clay and LaDoll clay, over a batting covered wire armature and styrofoam base with a wood dowel.
Email me if you are interested.

Before pictures

Before I changed her eyes

Eyes dug out

Back to the "Bone*Head*Studio"!!!
More later...


Creepy Glowbugg said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I admire your artwork and I am amazed at the sheer beauty of it all! The details are insane and the end piece is always stunning.
My favorite pieces are too many to list, but those ghosties you made recently were to die for.
Love to come and window shop and even grab a bit of inspiration for my own art.
Thank you.

Margriet said...

Wow, she's so beautiful..I love her!!! You're amazing!!!

just me said...

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!! What a amazing peice of art. whoever gets her in their home is very lucky!!

Five Roses-Prim and Pretty said...

WOW Flora, what can I say...She is absolutely beautiful and you are so very talented, HUgs Kirrily

Tamara Dozier said...

GASP!!! She's wonderful!

vivian said...

Flora..this is a master piece.. I dont know how you could part with her. she is perfectly wonderful! wow o wow!

LuLu Kellogg said...

Flora...she is absolutely wonderful and so enchanting. I also loved seeing the pictures of her in progress. What a talent you have!


Prim's by Kim said...

You are simply AMAZING!!! Gorgeous. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! xoxoxoxo Kim

Kristine said...

Aaaah...I see you did go with the Blue after-all..;-)
There are no words to describe Your AWESOMENESS Flora!!!!!
a million KUDOS to YOU!!!!
Kristine ;-)

Anthropomorphica said...

Oh my goodness Flora!!!! She is stupendous!!!
Must be the spring air as I've tinkered with a rabbit girl this past week ;) Nowhere near as wonderful as the Mad Alice Rabbit, how I'd love to have a tea party with her!
Thank you for posting your work in progress shots, I love to see them and they are a massive help to a neophyte doll maker. Have a wonderful day!!

niknik said...

Она великолепна! Из папье-маше? Снимаю шляпу!)))

Heather said...

LOVELY! Thank you so much for showing us your process!

Jingle said...

Oh, she is absolutely wonderful! What a fun and fascinating concept for a doll! I love that she is a little bit of everyone!!!! Gorgeous!

Brenda LaBell said...

Flora, she is totally gorgeous!! Love your creative twist!! Great WIP pictures, yikess a saw and dug out eyes, lol, sounds a bit like the mad scientist, hahahahaha. Great piece!!


Robin's Egg Bleu said...

Your Alice is AMAZING! I love your concept, because isn't Alice a little bit of everyone in that story?

Just absolutely fabulous.

sassypackrat said...

OMG! I adore your Alice! Love the combination of the Wonderland characters! I'm always so curious as to how things are made so it was awesome to see your work in progress photos. You are so talented and I always admire your dolls!

Judy C said...

I absolutely love your work. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

OMG Flora she is just stunning! I'm not sure there are words for how beautiful she is. Also to see what she looked like in her process... to what a beauty she became...

Of course I want her but I'm sure everyone does!!! : )

Flora said...

Thank you to everyone for all the fantastic comments on my Alice!!!!
It almost makes it worthwhile to have only had a few hrs. of sleep these past days just to get her done!!!

Lotus said...

You're truly an amazing artist! I think she's fantastic!
Thank you for sharing your process too!

Flora said...

Hey Lotus, long time no see!!!
You are quite welcomed!!!

Jorge de Rojas said...

Flora, OMGoodness! She is sheer magic! With every new piece you keep reminding my how much I admire your work. I must also thank you for your generosity in sharing your WIPs and modus operandi. Once again hats off to you.

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

VERY, VERY, COOL! Awesome twist on the theme, I like it!

spindelmaker said...

This is so great! Thank you for posting pictures from the process. It becomes even more fascinating how you are able to make such beauty!

Flora said...

Hello and Thank you two for the great comments!!!

Flora said...

Janne!!! Thank you so much for the visit and kind comments!!!

Kai said...

Oh, WOW! Your take on Alice is the best EVER! It was fascinating seeing some of your process in creating this beautiful doll! I'm absolutely DROOLING and so GLAD to have seen this blog!

snippetgirl said...

She takes my breath away!!! Absolutely phenomenal. I am running out of words to express my awe and wonderment at your talent. I can SO appreciate all the work and skill and imagination that went into creating such a fantastic piece.
I am giving you a standing ovation :)!!!
Hugs and purrs,

Flora said...

OH Carrie you are so kind!!! Thanks so much!!!
Kai WELCOME!!!! I'm so glad you found me too and I hope you come by often!!!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

She is a fabulous piece Flora!!! Well done!

Sprite said...

In~freakin'credible Flora! And I knew she would be! Everything is perfect, colors, everything! You may have outdone your awesome self with this one my dear. If I could, I would make her magically appear at my door ha ha ha ha Love it!(btw, mine has ears too!;) ) BIG hugs,
Sprite :)

Unknown said...

WOW Flora!! Loved the whole process...she's amazing. Thank you for sharing with us.

Love the music of your blog btw.


lisanelsonart said...

I am in awe - she is magnificant!

Unknown said...

She is absolutely stunning. I mean magnificent. I think your work is a spectacular.


PEA said...

Somedays I would like to be able to do that!!! Never gonna happen but it sure is nice to see that someone can.

Flora said...

I'm deeply touched by all the kind words from all my friends and aquaintances. Many Grateful Thanks ,

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Wow! Words can't describe how marvelous this citizen of Wonderland is holding her little teapot. I love how you've merged the white rabbit, mad hatter with Alice. Lovely! The vintage tulle and laces are the perfect touch.

Flora said...

Tami!!! Good to hear from you !!!
Thanks a bunch for the sweet comment!!!

Lisa said...

OH Flora, it, no she just takes my breath away! and thank you for showing to whole process! You truly give your talent freely, bless you!

my best, Lisa

Primgrl1 said...

I was speechless when I saw her but now that I have caught my breath and can speak... Flora She is absolutely stunning!! :)

Flora said...

Lisa and Primgrl1, Thanks so much for such wonderful comments, but mostly for coming to visit me!!!

Rainey J. Dillon said...

Masterful work! She is so quirky with her white rabbit appeal-perfect and exactly the way Alice SHOULD be in Wonderland


Flora said...

Many thanks for the lovely comment and visit Rainey!!!

Bigfootwallace said...

Hi Flora,
It's me, Dana!!! I'm trapped in computer melt down hell!!! Lost my email address book in the crash and with this new MS 7 haven't worked the bugs out of my Verizon email setup. I can't get to you!!! Will you send me your email address, I can pick up incoming mail on a pop 3, but can't use your blog contact me. PLEASE!

Is this lovely creature still available?!? She may not be Red, but oh how twistedly fabulous! From the top of her very fashionable hat to the soles of her, I'm sure, French shoes, she's an Alice who has come into her own. Her galnce of complete savoir-faire tells it's someone else who's late for a very important date. The Queen of Hearts had better watch her own head this time around!

If she's gone, I'm slinking into a corner to either die a death of a thousand cuts or slip into a catatonic deep dark depression.


Flora said...

AHAHAHA!!!! Dana!!!!!I REALLY cannot wait to get my hands on your new book!!!! It's always such a pleasure to hear from you!!!!
I got your email about Alice and responded, so keep an eye out for it!!! Thanks again for the morning chuckle!!!

Flora said...

Hello Joanna!!! I am so very humbled by your kind words!! Thank you very much !!!!

Textile and Stitch said...

This piece is stunning and how kind of you to share your work in progress pictures, I always love to see the process! Thanks!

Flora said...

Hello and welcome!!!Thanks a bunch for taking the time to visit and leave me a note!!!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful!! I don't have words... And thanks for showing the progress

Flora said...

Thanks again for the sweet comments
about my artdolls, Lyn!!!