Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year.....

I closed my eyes for just one second, when I awoke I saw that time had slipped away...but I was left with many a sweet memory to sustain me in my days...

May it be a Blessed and prosperous one for all!!!


Cindi Myers said...

Happy New Years Flora!
I wish you only Joyous Sparkling Moments in the New Year!
XOXO - Cindi

Flora said...

Thanks so much Cindi and right back atcha!!! Let's make it a fabulous new year!!!

Abi said...

Happy New year to you Flora X

Lisa said...

Happy New Year to you, Flora. Blessings back at ya, and your family. You're always so kind.
Be well,

Flora said...

Hello my dear Abi, Lisa and Lisa!!! Thanks so much, I do hope we all have a very creative and wonderous New Year and many goodtimes always!!!Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come visit and comment here, it is truly appreciated!!!


Michele Lynch Art said...

Happy New Year!!! I hope 2011 is a wonderful, magical, successful year for you! Michele

Dianie said...

Wishing you The best in 2011!
Happy New Year!!!


Flora said...

Thanks so much Michele and Dianie!!! Same to both of you sweet and talented ladies!!!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Sweet Flora! Looking forward to more amazing dolls from you :)

mary helen said...

A very Happy and creative New Year! Absolutely LOVE your work!

Flora said...

Hello Zan and Mary Helen!!!!It's good to hear from y'all, thanks so much for the lovely comments and cheers for the NewYear, wishing for the best to all!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Happy New Year Flora may you and yours be blessed : )

Flora said...

Hello and Happy New Year to you too Pattee!!!Right back atcha and so much more!!!