Easters on it's way...
Rabbit ,Oh Rabbit
Rabbit , oh rabbit ,wipe the sleep from your eyes .
Winter has gone and now Springtime arrives.
In pastures of green ,a warm breeze is blowing
with the scent of it's sweet clover growing.
Rabbit ,oh rabbit without further delay
Let's celebrate in this lovely Springday .
by Flora Thompson
Jack and Jackie Rabbit

In my magical clock it's just at a smidge at it's never too late and never a second past you're right on time...for the magic of SpookyTimeJingles to begin again...
So don't be late time is on your side...I'll leave you with some more wips.
See Ya!!!
Just love the chick- it is calling to me....
Hello and Welcome Lee!!! Thanks so much, if you are interested just email me ok?
These are adorable! Love them!
Hello and Welcome Tristen!!! How kind of you to say something so sweet about my art!!!Thanks muchly!!!
If you could hear them screaming my name. I know you do! OMG.. they are darling. More of everything but especially chicks.
OH Pea!!! You are so cute!!! Thanks so much , I appreciate You!!!
So magical!! Love them! Robert ;)
ohhhh so cute Flora!!!!!!!!!!!
These are ALL fantastic!!!! I am swoowing at the sweetness!!!!!
Hello Robert, Laura and Carrie ,I love hearing from all my dear friends, y'all have made my day!!!!
Many thanks for taking the time to visit and for such wonderful comments!!!
These just make me want to run outside & let the Sun shine on my face. Thank you for the smiles
Hello and Welcome Dot!!!It's always lovely to see new faces and thanks bunches for the sweet comment too!!!BTW I LOVELOVELOVE your " Robots "!!!
Oh Flora they are all just so great! That little Chick has such a sweet face :)
I love all the bunnies and chicks! I especially love to see how they evolved! You are so talented~ They are adorable!
Hey Cindi!!! too!!!
Thanks so much for visiting with me and for the great comment, it's good to see you again!!!
I'm so sorry about getting these out of order, Kim and Cris!!! How are two more of my favorite peeps
doing besides making my day with such sweet words? Thanks for dropping in too!!!
that chick makes me smile :) also love seeing your sketches!
Welcome and Thanks so much Dollface Creatures for the lovely words and visit !!!!Please come back soon!!!
Hi Flora...been out of blogland for a while...WOW these bunnies are fantastic (ugh maybe i better make a bunny dolly!)...beautiful easter colors, and i love the ear thing you are "showing"....I love to see the process...sometimes it uncovers "Big mysteries"!!!! Colleen
Hello dear Colleen!!! I'm so glad you were able to uncover a not so big mystery, hahaha!!!It's always nice to know i could help another artist !!!Thanks so much for the kind comments, but most importantly thanks for your visit!!!
Love your work so so much!!! Those hoppers are tooooo cute!! Perfect!!!!!
xoxo Jenny
Hello and Welcome Jenny, I'm an admirer of your yummy work!!!Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to give me the lovely comments!!!
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