Saturday, April 23, 2011

May you all remember...

What Easter is truly all about...make sure to scroll to bottom of page and turn off my blog music first.

Have a blessed Easter from my family to yours.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Yes it's Wumbwie speak...and he just can't wait for Hawoween er,um Halloween.
All these unsual suspects will be on the lineup for the latest update at SpookyTimeJingles at the stroke of midnight on April 13th...and you won't want to miss it!!!!


Pwain Mean
I hathe thuh waith foh Hawoween !
Wif thuh canny Appos an canny cohrn
I can almosth tathe thuh wicorwitch
an jewee beanth
But waithing foh Hawoween ith justh
Pwain mean !

by Flora Thompson

Pinecone baby


Bitter is the wind, cold is the snow
While winter winds begin to blow
The snowflakes flutter to and fro.
You can steal one away as you go
Cause no one will ever know...

by Flora Thompson

Little Bean

Little Bean

So what troubling you now my dear little Bean ?
And what kind of creature was conjured up in this dream ?
I’ve checked all around and even in between,
I know for a fact there’s nothing to be seen!
Now it’s way past your bedtime my dear little Bean
So please do take off that costume..
t’s not yet Halloween.

by Flora Thompson

Take a little time to get a little something,for little ole you at SpookyTimeJingles I don't recommend you hesitate or you could be too late and you'll just have to wait till next months SpookyTimeJingles update...bummer.;)

white as a ghost, but not for long

just a little paint make a big difference

More later, see ya!!!