Saturday, February 4, 2012

Head ,fingers, nose and...

Pick me a good one...

Found this guy while trying to figure out what to make for the STJ update as I work to finish up my " other project " . Found several other WIPS that I'd forgotten about as well, anywho I'll post more as I " get er done "...

More later ,See ya!!!


Flora said...

HA!! When I figure it out I'll let ya know!!!Got any ideas? How ya been Lisa??? I sure have missed you, hope you are doing well, thank for dropping by and for the sweet comment!!!!

BoneyLittleFingers said...

Flora!! Hahaha... "pick me a good one"! (snort!)
I cannot tell you how much I value a peek at your WIPs. You sculpt so beautifully and the personalities are apparent from the very early stages. Looking forward to the finish!
Thanks for the peek!

Flora said...

HA!!I couldn't help myself!!! Hello Karen, been a long time huh, hope you've been well too??? Thanks bunches for the kind comments, you are too kind but they are so appreciated!!!

Light and Shadow Studio said...

I love WIP's too, especially yours Flora! I think his hands look like branches on a tree. Can't wait to see what working your magic on him will do. By the way Flora, I love following you on Pinterest. We like the same things. Hugs, Tammy

Flora said...

Hello Tammy!!!OOOOO branches on trees now that's a great idea, I'll have to remember that!!!Are you on Pinterest, I'll have to go find you and follow you too!!! I met another artist the other day, fabulous stuff and I swear his art has a lot of the characters and names I have for my designs in my sketch book!!! Talk about same tastes ,kinda eerie huh ? Thanks so much for the follow and for the visit!!!

Ron said...

Ooooo, can't wait to see this one finished. He/She is sooo full of possiblities!

Flora said...

Hello Ron and welcome!!!I'm hoping that the one I chose will work out well? Thanks bunches for stopping in and for the comments, I love to hear from other artist!!!

Ruthie Redden said...

How i love coming across unfinished pieces that have been almost forgotten, I love the hands of this creation, cannot wait to see it finished.

Flora said...

Hello and welcome Ruthie!!! Thank you muchly , I'm always behind with everything hoping to get him and the other forgottens done too!!!

Bigfootwallace said...

"Other project"? Can that mean what I think it could mean....?
As for this guy,I love the hookish nose, the ears laid down, like a cat up to no good, and that devilish, could possibly be cruel smile. The hands could be tree branches in the wind, tap, tap tapping against a me delicious shivers! I could be VERY interested in this fellow, let me know when he emerges, please.
Also, could his ears be possibly pushed down by a hat...a mad hat? Those fingers could also be long and dexterous with needle, felt, and feathers and netting. I could see them nimbly and proudly displaying a new creation. In this new light, his eyes do seem crinkled with pride, the smile one of satisfaction and in hopes of approval. If HE is what awaits, then I claim first dibs, here and now, without need of further demonstration!!

Flora said...

YES it is she we speak of!!! You are such a doll, to want this guy even though you do not know what he is to become? I sure did miss your comments and have thought of you often!!!Thanks muchly for always brightening up my blog!!!

Rebecca said...

This guy's gonna be cool!

Flora said...

Hello and Welcome Rebecca!!!Thank you so much for the kind comment,I just took a peak at your work and wow!!!
Your work is gorgeous!!!

Rhissanna said...

Such lovely hands and such an optimistic expression!

Oh yes,. the WIP. I have a room full, stuffed in boxes...

Flora said...

Hello Rhissanna!!!Ha!!! I suppose many artists do have many WIPS that just got forgotten in a rush to go on to the next idea ?Thank you so much for the sweet comment and for dropping in, it was good to hear from you again!!