Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This is too too funny ...I have been getting all these hits from many countries on my blogging about hurricane Ike? The only thing is that I used " One wild and crazy night" which I thought was a witty title, so I googled it to see what the fuss was all about and......OMG!!!!!!!are you getting the picture? Yes,... it's a porn title for pervs!!!!!! I really do have to be a little more careful and original for my choice of titles anymore!!! hahahah!!!


Kristine said...

I'm sure they're really interested
in your dolls!!!..ROFL!!!!!

Should I be concerned??? because my last entry was Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

Flora said...

Oh my!!!!, You never know Kristine!!!!HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

FairiesNest said...

Oh my that is TOO funny! I never would have thought of that...I better keep my titles on topic too!

Flora said...

Definitely Do !!!!lol

Jodi June said...

OH! my goodness Flora!!
That is too crazy! ROTFL!
Well,... that is one way of getting them hooked on your sweet talent! At least it got them here, right? HAHAHAHAH!

Sweet B Folkart said...

Guess I should skip the "snowballs" posting I had planned for Christmas!! You are too cute!

- Sweet B

Flora said...

YEAH but as soon as they saw no porn they got the heck outta here!!!HAHAHAHA!!!

Flora said...

Snowballs?.. I'm so sure they could DO something with that one too!!!hahaha!!!!

Dianie said...

OMG! That is too funny! LOL...
I never thought of that before! I will be very careful when picking a title..


Flora said...

Definitely DO!!!! AHAHAHA!!!!