Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Window...

From my window, I can see,
Moonbeams playing in a tree.
From my window, I can see,
Starlight dancing merrily!
From my window I can see,
The silver moon sweetly
Smiling…down at me.
by Flora Thompson

My newest offerings for Nov. on SpookyTimeJingles Get on over and look at all the sights, I'm sure you'll find something that delights!....The clock is ticking.


The Whimsical Goblin said...

Dora, Those turned out GREAT! Very Cool.

Flora said...

Thanks Darlene!!!I couldn't really get a good picture of the witch, but skelly came out fairly well in the pic.

HopHopJingleBoo said...

Your work and blog are delightful! I added you to my bloglist! I'll be back..heehee..

Flora said...

So sweet of you to say that, many thanks for the add ! and Please do come back!

Dianie said...

Flora, those are so darlin!


Flora said...

Hey Diane,Thank you, I'm glad you think so!!!