Friday, February 27, 2009

How to make ...

Have some handy wire and pliers,cut then twist the wire ends together, form into the desired shape.

Wrap wire with masking tape

Roll out air dry clay to desired thickness, using the prepared wire shape,cut around it "cookie cutter" fashion, then apply clay, smooth and seal all edges with a damp finger and favorite clay tool,cut an extra piece of clay into a small rectangular
shape, using a pen top "poke" a hole into it about a 1/4 of the way down from the top of the piece then using a sharp knife cut downward on this hole to form the bottom half of the keyhole and dampen the underside and place on the lower 1/2
of the pad and allow to dry.

Using dark umber, black, autumn brown, silver and gold acrylics, paint the clay
by dabbing colors on in a painterly fashion. Then for texture add ground cinnamon
over sections of the wet paint, and Voila!!! there it is!!!...hehehe!!



yoborobo said...

Wow, Flora! That looks just like a rusty old lock. :) Can't wait to see how you use it.

vivian said...

wonderful! ground cinnamon, who'd a thunk!!
have a great weekend!

Nat said...

Wow, you know I am so busy doing my own thing, that I never stop to figure out things like this. Thanks for sharing. Maybe I will start making such accessories to be included in my work.

{Daydreamer} said...

THat's a great tutorial, Flora! :D
Heather :)
P.S. You haven't forgotten about my icicle have you? ;)

Diane Duda said...

Very nice! Bet it smells good too. :)

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Bet it smells really great too!

Creager Studios said...

A WONDERFUL Rusty Lock...I do LOVE things Rusty...

Great idea about the gound a lock that looks realisticly old and rusty...and smells good too!!! Cool

Thanks for sharing

Happy Friday

Unknown said...

OMG...that is so love the technique (cinnamon awesome)...Flora thank you..learned something new.


Sonia 8)

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

Very cool! And I never would have thought to use the looks so real!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Wow Flora, Thank you so very much!!! It looks amazing!!! Sarah

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Wow, thats awesome. Your so talented Flora :)

Creepy Creations by Jamie Moore said...

Oh Wow! That's really cool! I love how you made it look like real rust! Great work!

Whisperings 13 said...

Now THAT is cool!
((wondering if I can get out of work early today.....
hee hee-
i mean *cough, cough* -i think I 'm coming down with something..))
clay-itis maybe?
you make me want to run home and get my hands dirty!! :0)

Flora said...

I'm so glad everyone liked it!!
I forgot to add that you have to spray seal it too. Yes it definitely is cinnamony smelling and it is part of the " eye"'s accessory, just a small one though.
I love the look of old and "rusty" too, but in all my junk (and there is alot of junk! )not one lock !!!so I had to make one. I had a few other " old " accessories to make as well!! "Clayitis", yes sounds like you got it bad!!!..I catch that on a regular bases,hehehe!!!
Heather,I haven't forgotten you sweetie!!! shouldn't take too much longer once I get my updates done, ok?

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial! That lock is amazing.

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch Sheila for taking the time to stop by and visit!!
Many Blessings to you and yours,

FairiesNest said...

Cool! I love tutorials!

Тања said...

Great! :-))

Flora said...

Cynthia and Tanja, Hello ladies!!Thank you for stopping by to visit!!!

PEA said...

what a sweet artist you are to share with us! I love this piece and well I am gonna give it a shot. Let us see if I can do that? Don't know but willing to try. THANK YOU!

Flora said...

Good for you, I know you can do it Pea!!! then you do a show and tell, ok!!

Treasured Wishes said...

Flora, That was a great tutorial. You have such a gifted imagination! Awesome :)

Flora said...

Thank You Cat!!!

Anonova said...

What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing this. :)

Flora said...

You're quite Welcomed!!!

Artisan Memories said...

Flora!!! you have the neatest ideas...
that is on my list of to do's
thanks for the lesson!!!
Laura Ann

Marie Patterson Studio said...

I've used the cinnamon on painted fabrics, but never would have thought to use on the clay! Thanks for the great tip!!!

Flora said...

Yes so have I Marie, I figured it was worth trying?!!

Flora said...

hey LauraAnn!!!, It's good to hear from you!!!Well I learned about the cinnamon on Primraggchatters!!

Anonymous said...

Nice tutorial, thanks Flora! :)

Flora said...

Thanks Caroline!!

twinkle teaches said...

OMG Flora! this is amazing!!!!

Anne Onni Mouse said...

Thanks for sharing. I love the lock and am seeing a heart-shaped one in my future...

Flora said...

Hello Tina,
Thank you so much!!

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch Morgan!!

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Hi are you doing? Thanks for sharing this "How To Make" very cool! See over at ADO!

Flora said...

Hey Michelle!!
Just getting my ducks in a row for the update on STJ!! Glad ya liked this short tut!!

Dianie said...

Hi Flora, Great tutorial! I tried your tecnique on a paper mache box over the weekend. Turned out so cute and rusty!! Thanks sooo much Flora:)


Flora said...

Glad to be of help Diane!!!
Got pic's? I'd love to see it, I'm sure anything you do is fabulous!

Unknown said...

Simple and effective just the way I like it. Thanks for the tutorial!

Flora said...

Hello Odd!!!
Your quite welcome, I'm glad it's to your liking!!!

Flora said...

Hello Nicks and WELCOME!!!
Thanks a bunch for the kind comment and for the visit!!!