Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've fallen ...

and I can't get up!!!!.....

I just couldn't help it,while working on my next project,I glanced at it and LMAO.. well maybe I only got a good chuckle or two, but I had to share!!!!!!


pinkglitterfae said...

haha! thanks for giving me a chuckle this morning :-)
and a reason to listen to your cool music :-)

Flora said...

You're Quite Welcomed!!! hehehe!!!

Unknown said...

That's funny but in the small picture before I came to your blog it looked like he did more then just fall! Oops

Flora said...

AHAHAHA!!!!! I THINK I see what you're implying...So you had to come over to make sure it's not what you saw?!!!!!AHAHAHA!!!

Tracy M. said...

OK That is just wrong, hee heee.
Thanks for the morning chuckle.
Tracy M.

Flora said...

AHAHAHA!!!!I'm getting a bigger kick outta the comments coming!!!
Thanks for stopping by Tracey and Diane!!

Jodi June said...

haha! Flora!!!
too funny! That is EXACTLY what i would look like! hahaha!
Just LOOK at those 'bum' cheeks!

Creager Studios said...

Love the picture Flora... reminds me of the time I was in the same position in my studio for 20 minutes before Richard found me...

Thanks for sharing

Happy Wednesday

Flora said...

Hello Jodi!!!!!I'm so glad you came for a visit!!!
BTW I don't think you look like this in any way shape or form!!!!

Sarah Sullivan said...

LMAO Flora!!! Loove it!! Thanks for the giggle! Love the way you have your paints set up - why didn't I think of that!!!!! Sarah

Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

~Oh my~
Is it "Humpty Dumpty"?But~No~I see a tiny bottom~is it my husband? who still has no butt~after all these years of marriage~& a 29" waist & still very strong~tall & thin~ & me tiny & getting rounder year after year~
~Oh Well~

Creager Studios said...

Great Picture Flora... thanks for sharing that very funny visual

Creager Studios

Doreen Frost said...

LOL...look at that hiney!!!!


Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Hee hee-thanks for the chuckle-love those buns!

nollyposh said...

Hee! Hee! X;-)

yoborobo said...

That is too funny! And here's how nuts I am - I went right past the feet to "OMG - LOOK HOW ORGANIZED SHE IS!!!!". :) Thanks for the giggle.

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch everyone for the visits and comments!!!
I knew y'all would appreciate the
pic!!!!! BTW Sarah and Pam I'm far from being should see the rest of the!!!
Amy no not humpty dumpty or your dh!!! lol!

Unknown said...



Sonia ;)

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Oh that's so funny! love your sense of humor Flora!

Flora said...

Hey Sonia and Cindy!!!Isn't he a hoot?
thanks for stopping by to visit with me!!

vivian said...

hmmmmmmmm!!!!! a very interesting pose!

vivian said...

hmmmmmmm.... a very interesting pose!

Flora said...

AHAHA,Yes it is Vivian!!

PEA said...

hahaha, Oh how I wish my butt was that small. LOL Fallen and headless. Now that is one way to shut him up!!! He can't talk back that way. LOL
Have a great week my dear.

Flora said...

LMDAO!!!!!!Thank you Pea and you have a wonderful one too!!

Flora said...

Jodi, I just found the comment where Richard found you in the same pose..too too funny, ..LMDAO..what on earth were you doing? That must have been a priceless memory for you and your husband!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a great picture--too funny!! :)

Flora said...

My sentiments exactly Caroline!!!

susan said...

haha, this is my first time here, i think i will like it! :o)

Flora said...

Welcome Susan I hope you do!!!
and come back often!!

Chicken Lips said...

Seriously Flora - you could sell this JUST the way it is! Thanks for making me laugh!

Flora said...

AHAHAHA!!!You are quite Welcomed David and thanks for coming over to visit with me!!!!!