Friday, February 6, 2009

Lovely suprize.....

My swap gift came!!!! How sweet is this?!!!
Maureen of " Urban Pastures " made is fabulous wall art hanging, the picture just doesn't do it justice, cause if you look closely you can see that she applied an overlay of texture to the heart as well as the painted leaves, then the sweet lovebirds, the cord has glass hearts and glass beads with two metal discs with floral designs on them?!!!!....I'm a lucky girl,I kinda like this swapping thing..... and I just might do it again!!!


Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

What a sweet piece this is! Very pretty! Lucky you Flora!

Flora said...

Oops!, I think it is a lovely piece too!!! Thanks!!!

Jeanne said...

How wonderful! And the Valentine you made is just as fabulous! I'm glad you had fun! Happy Valentines Day!