Tuesday, May 29, 2012


always has a way of showing up when you least expect...

Sing me a lullaby ,while in your keep and gently sway me so that I may sleep...not hardly...
I almost threw her away...More later ,SEE YA!!! Blessings,Flora


Sylvia Smiser said...

Hi Flora! (waving)
She is adorable!!! I know someone who is expecting in October. She would love this! Is she for sale?
Shoot me an e-mail with her info if she is.
Glad you didn't throw her away.
: )

Flora said...

Thank you Sylvia, she is !!! I'll email you shortly!!!

maddyrose said...

She's adorable. Love those eyes!

Flora said...

Good morning MaddyRose!!! Thanks so much!!!

Doreen Frost said...

Oh my goodness..thank heaven's you didn't!! I LOVE her!

hugs, doreen

Flora said...

AHHHH I was just thinking about Doreen!!! Hope you are well!! Thank you for dropping by and for the sweet comment!!!

Flora said...

Hello Maggie and welcome!!! Thank you muchly I'm glad you like her, she really wasn't much to look at and did not look like what I had in mind for her either, but I was googling and saw a gravestone ,then a light went on and I took it from there!!!HA!!