Monday, November 10, 2008

Lighting and angles...

Can make all the difference in the world...that and a ton of scrapbooking papers!
I wasn't too pleased with the way the last pic's I took of my bobble-head frost fairy had come out, so I gave it one more try and I think the lighter background helped her tremendously! So what do ya think?...well I like!
She is also up for the SpookyTimeJingles Nov. offering...Just can't wait to see ya there, so hurry up and don't be late!!!


Old World Primitives said...

I do like this new photo better (although I liked the old one too!) - it makes her look more mischievous, and the green background complements her outfit nicely.
:) Stephanie

Flora said...

Yes Stephanie I think so too!!! And Thank you for noticing!