Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day...

We are given many freedoms by selfless men and women most of whom we will never know,
many of who were so young and just as many that will never make it home...So when we are celebrating our holiday with family and friends , I hope we keep in mind those soldiers and their families...Thank You.

Many Blessings,


Anonymous said...

I agree Flora...
Some take this day for granted and they get a day off...

But it really is to remember these young men and women...

Thanks for posting this ~: )

Cindi Myers said...

Yes, we need to take a moment to mourn those who have sacrificed so much for all freedom we enjoy.

Flora said...

Amen!!! I saw some pictures of a vile group of people that go to all the soldiers funerals to jeer at the families with signs that say "Thank God for dead soldiers " and such...? Were it not for those soldiers they could not do what they do...

Anonymous said...

What??? People do that at soldiers funerals!!! That's plain disgusting and disturbing!


Cindi Myers said...

It's me again!
I'm stopping by to say that I just hit my 100th post on my blog! And I'm celebrating it with my first ever giveaway! Stop by if you have time!

Flora said...

Pattee, I so agree!!!! Isn't it just heartbreaking that these poor families have to contend not only with the grief of a loved ones death but also with these horrible excuses for human beings?
Cindi, I went over to your blog and signed up right away!!!