Sunday, May 18, 2008

So very blessed

What a busy week! My dd Mandy and Me gave my dd Chencha, a shower Saturday, her baby
" Kinsley Alden Burkhardt " is due next month. Let me tell you, I now have the utmost respect for party planners! I think it went fairly well though, my mom came with my sister Maria and her two dd,one just had a baby, and the other is expecting one in June too. My two other sisters Dolly and Becky with her dd and child and dil, my aunt Rosa, sil Becky and let's just say all the usual suspects! I think my dd Chencha had a very nice time, she recieved so many beautiful things!

This is Mandy finally getting some of her favorite Bellini drink.

Family and friends

More family and friends

I have to say that my dd Chencha has some of the most wonderful inlaws ever! Her sweet mil Brenda Beeler is such a blessing, I know my daughter and grandchild will be in good loving hands with the extended family that the good lord has chosen for her. This is her mil, Brenda with Chencha

One more of my lovely girls

Thank you Lord for this day, I know I am so very blessed.


Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

What a gorgeous family you have my dear Flora! And WHAT FUN to be able to share your wealth of joy with so many!

Flora said...

Thank you Blondie!!! So much fun to buy for little girls. I have to put things on a wish list for a later date or I'll go broke!!!

elphabainwicked said...

What a beautiful shower you gave...I had to figure out what DD was and when I finally did figure it out, I couldn't believe it. You look too young to be a grandmother...but since you will be, how wonderful for you. I am so happy for you.


Flora said...

Tina thank you ,BTW that pic you see on my blog is done under very good lighting!!