Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Penalty....

The Penalty

My death, it holds no peace nor rest
The life I led had been my test,
And this I know with quite certainty !
For my life was void of goodwill and charity,
So now in death I pay the penalty.
Each chain, each link, each lock and key,
All were forged in life by me !
by Flora Thompson

Marley is finally done!thanks goodness now lets see if I can do my wolf justice?

So sorry about the way the shoes came out, I did fix them but somethings just screwy
with how they showed up? Hope you all have the date marked on your calendar for the 13th of this month because.....
SpookyTimeJingles is about to update all of the goodies made of late, by wonderful artisans who love to create and of that I'm sure there is no debate, you won't want to miss it and don't you dare wait or it will be gone....ahh such is fate!!!


Patty Benedict said...

LOVE Marley!!! GREAT creepy job!!! also the book is spookyacular!!!
Bugs & Hisses

Sarah Sullivan said...

OMG Flora - you never fail to amaze!! He is wonderful! I do so love the story!! Sarah

Unknown said...


He is FABULOUS...I love the tutorials or behind the scenes lookseys

What a wonderful surprise amd smile for my Monday. Thank you.

Sonia ;)

horriblesweet said...

Oooooh he is so great! Wonderful mouth and teeth!

Greetings Lydia

yoborobo said...

He is so wonderful. I love A Christmas Carol - and your piece is exactly how I pictured Marley.

Ginny Diezel said...

Marley is wondrous! What a magnificent piece! How DO you do this, Flora?! He is full of such spirit! xoxo Ginny

Flora said...

Thank you all for the wonderful feedback on my Marley,he was right beside Mr. Mooney for those
"almost 6mo." waiting too, can't y'all tell how angry he was about it?..hehehe!! Thanks again everyone
for taking the time to stop in and leave the me these wonderful comments!!!

~dani~ said...

Flora you have an imagination like no other and a talent like no other. You are a wondrous one of a kind and if funds allowed I would buy each and every piece you make!
Hugs for you and Marley~

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

I agree with Dani, your imagination is wonderful and I would love to sit with you in your studio and just watch you work away! I so enjoy your blog and love the fact that you are my team member! Cheers my friend!

Flora said...

Michelle if you think Marley is creepy day with me and you'll really know who the creepy one really is, my dolls ain't got nuttin on me!!!...Really I'm not a pretty site when I create..or do anything for that matter..hehehe!!!
Thanks for the sweet comments !!!

Chicken Lips said...

Oh my gosh Flora, he's amazing! Kind of creeped me out when I first saw him...but in a good way ;) Great work!

Flora said...

Ahaha!!!Though not as funny as the other end huh? lol!!..Thanks for the kind comment David!!!

Cris said...

WOW! He is amazing! You should be in Hollywood doing make up and special effects or something! I love his creepy hands!

Flora said...

You are too kind Chris!! Thanks a bunch!!!

Bonnie Lee Fontaine said...

Well, he certainly made sure he was no "crumb of bread, or blob of mustard", didn't he? Good heavens, woman, he's ghastly! If he showed up on my doorstep, I wouldn't need any other ghosts, thankyouverymuch. he would immediately get me on the straight and narrow! AWESOME! :o)

Flora said...

AHAHAHA!!!Too too funny!!! thank for the visit and comments and the good chuckle, Bonnie!!!

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

Wow Flora..Marley is Fabulous and so is his story! Such Incredible work you create!

Anonymous said...

I love Marley, he is wonderful!

Sharon Stevens said...

OMG!! Marley is my man!!! The Christmas Carole is my favorite Christmas story!! Your work is exquisite girl!!!! I would love to have 1/2 of your talent!!!!! You rank at the top of all the artists in the world!!
You detail is magnificent and so finely designed I am in amazement. Keep it up!!!

Flora said...

Sharon ,
Well I am flattered!!! But I think you are quite talented yourself!!
Thank you so much for the kind comments!!