I never really understood that saying, that is until I undertook this project! I almost threw him away a few times , I was just sooooo ready to give up on him and his "shenanigans", but I'm glad I didn't, because I learned quite a bit from those "shenanigans "! He was an enourmous learning experience, one that I won't soon forget and I now have a great respect for those who do this miniature sculpting for a living. He is a challenge doll for one of my fabulous ebay groups, SEHA, the theme is " Dancing Devils " I added the Valentine Day theme to him .
I was working with a deadline and thought I hadn't made it, up until this afternoon , I thought I was late with my listing, but found out otherwise so here he is, I added more definition to his face on the one in auction here...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=250205474534&Category=357&_trksid=p3907.m29

Almost done, WHEW! I was still having problems though but got past them..thank goodness! I think he will be my last devil art...... for a while anyway.
AWESOME! Absolutely wonderful detail (those hands!), and the gesture in his pose is great too.
I'm so glad you like him, he really was a test in patience...Something I'm sorely lacking!!!..lol
He's absolutely amazing!
Thank you, I'm so glad you think so!
I am the proud and happy owner of this beautiful boy. He will take the place of honor right in the middle of all my cherished Halloween goodies. I just love him, thanks for creating him Fora!! Sally
Sally!, I am so happy that he is yours,What more could I ask for than to have someone who will truly appreciate my art as you do!
WOW! WOW! Did I say WOW? He is a handsome devil! YOu are very talented Flora! Glad I found your blog! I will stop back often to see your amazing creations!
=D *Lori
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