Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Me Too!!..

..cried a wee little voice and soon there two little imps from the land of "Wombley"! You know where it's at, why it's in that cramped up space called Bone*Head*Studios... of course!!
little Christmas angel

Wormy base

Almost there

and a new little fellow appears.

I can see where his face needs to be a bit longer so off I go!


Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Oh I think he's perfect! Love, love, love that face!

Cheryl Prater said...

Adorable. He looks mischievous and sweet all at once.

Anonymous said...

I love his little ears and smile!

Flora said...

Kimmie, How are you? these little guys are a bit odd, but i do like them myself...hehehe...Thanks for the visit and sweet comments,!!!
Cheryl,Welcome and I have to say your characters are TOO FUN!!!!
I love them the minute I saw them!!!

Anonymous said...

He's just adorable!
I love theses little imps your making!

Flora said...

Thank you Sugar Donkey Dolls!!!
My 14 yr old son said they were creepy, I told him then I've done my job!...hehehe!!

Flora said...

Thank you Pattee!!! they are kinda growing on me, I'm glad you like them too!!!

nollyposh said...

Oh i so love being a part of the creative process with you X:-)

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch nollyposh, is it your real name, it has such Wwimsy to it!!? BTW I went to your blog and heard that little ditty on the widget you have there and LOVED it too!!!!

vivian said...

amazing! youre just amazing! I dont know what else to say!

Flora said...

Oh Vivian, you are priceless!! Thank you dear friend!!

Yovanka Black said...

LOVE to see the progress pics
of your work!!
You 're so good at what you do!!!


Chicken Lips said...

I love these little guys, Flora. Heck, even the rough sketches are amazing!

Flora said...

Yovanka and David, Thanks both of you for the lovely comments!!!My friend Annette of "Huckleberry Arts" keeps telling me to do some ATC's of the sketches, I think she's right

Mima said...

He's just perfect, you have created him just right. Flawless!!
I love it. Always look forward to visiting to see your creations.
GB, Mima~

Marie Patterson Studio said...

I'm loving these little imps!

Ayala Art said...

Flora, I love the 2 last WIPs, such sweet little faces!!

HopHopJingleBoo said...

cute in a darkish way.. always nice to visit here.. love your banner..

Flora said...

Thank you Mima,Marie, Martha, and
Debra!!! They are cute but they have that creepy kinda element don't they?

twinkle teaches said...

Flora, love the wings. What an adorable imp! :)

Kristine said...

Hope your WHOLE week-end is full of
wonderful surprises!!!!!

Another wonderful creation I see!!!
LOL...It's perfect!!!! ;-)

Huckleberry Arts said...

oh my just adorable !!!
cute,whimsical,a touch creepy hee hee but most of all your awesome Distinct touch of a unique creation

I see the grand babies in these type you do !!

Michelle said...

These little peeps are adorable!

Michelle :)

Marta Mangos said...

saluti from Italy:-)

Flora said...

Tina, Kristine,Annette and Michelle,
I love hearing everyones responses about my imps, it makes my day, Thanks a bunch!!! Kristine Thank you for the early Birthday Salutations, you are always so thoughtful, God bless your kind heart!!!
Many Blessings,Flora

Ginny Diezel said...

Flora, your talent knows no bounds! He is just the cutest, as well as your little guy from your previous post! Thank you so much for continuing to share! xoxo Ginny

Ces Adorio said...

Your work is terrific! Looks like you really enjoy it because the outcomes are wonderful. I love your background music. I just wanted to visit you after I read your comments at Renee's. I seldom find anybody agreeing with my views. Most of my conservative friends don't bother to blog. I am not a good Catholic either.

Flora said...

Hey Ginny, it's good to hear from you and Thanks so much for the sweet comments!!! I'll keep posting the process
for whoever wants to come see them!!!
Ces,How wonderful that you came over to see me!!! I enjoyed my little visit at your blog!!!
I LOVE all my blogging and artist friends, no matter what their political affiliations are, I just wish I could be as open about my political and religious views as some are without alienating anyone but something tells me it's I just do what I know I'm better But every once in a while....

lisanelsonart said...

He's absolutely precious!

Flora said...

Hello Lisa,
So glad you could stop by and many thanks for the sweet comment!!

Anonymous said...

I finally got on Blockhead Radio and I voted for you!!!!!