Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Interview at PWGL....

I'm a member at Prim and Whimsy Girls and the talented Sweet "B" of Sweet B Folk Art does a monthly interview called Studio Tours on our members and I was chosen to get interviewed this month !!!YAY!!! please go take a look, just click on the PWGL link above!!! I think she did a wonderful job!!! So stop by if you can and leave us a comment to let us know you visted, ok?
My "studio" is messy I know!!!....Good thing I was able to crop the picture!!!
BTW Click on her link too she does lots of FABULOUS and YUMMY looking items that I'm sure will please anyone!!!!



Abi said...

Flora, your art dolls are fantastic, and what a ribbon collection! wow! :O)

Flora said...

Thanks a bunch Abi, I appreciate you taking the time to go over to PWGL
and your kind comments!!!

Mima said...

Hola Flora,
I want to give you an inspiring award. Please stop by and pick it up. Thank for you warm commits.
GB, Mima

Flora said...

Hello Mima , how very sweet of you to chose to give me an award to!
I will display it proudly!!

vivian said...

running over to see.. I love Amelia! shes a doll!

William Bezek said...

Very nice interview, I love your messy studio! It looks like an inspired space...I'm always a bit confused by studios that are so neat and tidy that they look "magazine ready", does any work actually happen there? I guess to each his/her own!

Flora said...

Vivian and William, How nice of y'all to take the time go on over there!!! I know what ya mean William, but I still wish I wasn't sooooooo disorganized!!!
Thanks again to both of y'all!!

Ms. Peppercorn said...

I love the music you have chosen for your web-site. It is a perfect compliment to your wares which are dee-lux!

Flora said...

Ms. Peppercorn,WELCOME!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your name!!!!I will definitely have to use it on one of my dolls!!!
Thank you for the lovely comment !! I do hope you come back often!!!